Enhancing Women's Health through Pessary Care at MAUD Medical Clinic in Calgary

MAUD Medical Clinic in Calgary is committed to prioritizing women's health through a holistic approach to care. One essential facet of our services is dedicated to pessary care. Pessaries, crucial medical devices, play a significant role in addressing various pelvic floor conditions. This blog post explores the nature of pessaries, the types of patients who can benefit from them, and outlines how our skilled pelvic floor physiotherapists and medical professionals deliver exceptional pessary care.

Understanding Pessaries:

A pessary is a removable device inserted into the vagina to provide support to pelvic organs like the uterus or bladder, addressing concerns such as pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence. These devices are available in diverse shapes and sizes, tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Offering non-surgical options for managing pelvic floor disorders, pessaries provide support and alleviate symptoms that may impact a woman's quality of life.

Types of Patients Requiring Pessaries:

  1. Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) Patients: Women experiencing pelvic organ prolapse in calgary, where organs like the uterus, bladder, or rectum descend into the vaginal canal, find relief through pessaries. These devices offer structural support, preventing further descent and managing associated symptoms like discomfort or pressure.

  2. Urinary Incontinence Patients: Pessaries prove effective for women dealing with stress urinary incontinence by supporting pelvic floor muscles and the urethra. This support reduces the likelihood of involuntary urine leakage during activities such as coughing, sneezing, or exercising.

  3. Postpartum Women: After childbirth, some women may face weakened pelvic floor muscles, leading to issues like pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence. Pessaries present a non-invasive option for support, aiding in muscle recovery and promoting overall pelvic health.

Pessary Care at MAUD Medical Clinic:

Our clinic is proud to house a team of experienced pelvic floor physiotherapists and medical professionals committed to delivering personalized and effective pessary care. The process initiates with a thorough assessment of the patient's medical history, symptoms, and pelvic floor health. This comprehensive evaluation enables our experts to recommend the most suitable type and size of pessary for each individual.

Once a pessary is selected, our team educates patients on proper insertion, removal, and maintenance techniques. Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the device's effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments. We prioritize open communication, ensuring that patients feel empowered and informed about their pelvic health journey.

Pessary Cleaning:

Maintaining proper pessary hygiene is vital to prevent infections and ensure the device's longevity. Our clinic provides detailed guidelines on how to clean and care for the pessary at home. Furthermore, our team remains accessible to address any concerns or questions related to pessary maintenance, fostering a supportive and patient-centered approach to healthcare.


At MAUD Medical Clinic in Calgary, we take pride in delivering comprehensive pessary care through our experienced pelvic floor physiotherapists and medical professionals. By understanding the unique needs of each patient, we aim to enhance women's health by providing non-surgical solutions for pelvic floor disorders. Through education, personalized care, and ongoing support, we empower our patients to take control of their pelvic health and live life to the fullest.

Book with MAUD Medical Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist for Pessary Care


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