Reclaim Your Pelvic Power

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Calgary

Optimal Pelvic Function Begins Here

MAUD Medical Voted Best Calgary
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Clinic

MAUD Medical Clinic stands as your reliable Calgary women's health centre for pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary. Our dedicated team employs a trauma informed, specialized approach to cater to a range of pelvic floor concerns, including pessary fittings, prenatal and postnatal care, pelvic pain, pain during sex and pelvic organ prolapse. Amidst our inviting atmosphere, our team offers personalized guidance and tailored treatments, ensuring your comfort and well-being at every step. We're committed to providing a nurturing space where your unique pelvic floor physiotherapy journey is supported with the highest level of care.

Common Pelvic Floor-Related Concerns

Birth Preparation

Prepare for birth with pelvic floor physiotherapy. Pelvic floor physiotherapy readies your body for birth by enhancing muscle strength, control, and flexibility. Tailored exercises and guidance ensure a healthier pelvic floor, supporting a smoother birthing experience.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic floor physiotherapy addresses pelvic organ prolapse, a condition where pelvic organs shift from their normal positions. Strengthening weakened muscles through tailored exercises improves support, alleviates discomfort, and enhances overall pelvic health and function.

Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence can stem from urine leakage during laughter, coughing, or exercise. Thankfully, pelvic floor physiotherapy helps strengthen pelvic muscles by enhancing control to prevent involuntary leaks, leaving you with a boost of confidence and comfort.

Decreased Sexual Sensation

Pelvic floor physiotherapy improves decreased sexual sensation. How so? With specialized exercises, it enhances pelvic muscle tone and blood flow. It promotes nerve responsiveness and sensitivity, leading to heightened sexual satisfaction and intimacy.

Postpartum Recovery

Pelvic floor physiotherapy supports postpartum recovery by addressing changes in the pelvic floor after birth. It restores muscle tone, alleviates discomfort, and aids healing, fostering a smoother transition to daily activities and overall well-being.


Are you having constipation issues? If so, pelvic floor physiotherapy can help. Through specialized exercises, it enhances muscle coordination, encouraging proper bowel function and reducing strain for improved digestion and comfort.

Urgency & Frequency of Urination

Pelvic floor physiotherapy helps strengthen the bladder and pelvic floor muscles to enhance muscle control and reduce spasms from urgent and frequent urination. Therefore, it helps others regain better control to reduce the frequency of urgent restroom visits.

Pessary Fitting & Cleaning

A pessary is a device placed into the vagina to support the prolapsing vaginal walls and / or to support urinary continence. Those who are experiencing ‘bulging feeling’ in the vagina or have problems with involuntary leaking, feel the urge to pee. By fitting you with the right pessary, we not only contribute to the rehabilitation of pelvic floor muscle tone but also strengthen and enhance endurance. Our approach involves educating patients about their bodies, guiding effective pelvic floor movements, and providing exercises and strategies to enhance quality of life.

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti is a condition where abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy. With pelvic floor physiotherapy, it targets this issue. Tailored exercises to strengthen the abdominals and the pelvic floor aid in healing and closure for improved core stability.

Low Back/Hip Pain

Pelvic floor physiotherapy alleviates lower back and hip pain by addressing muscle imbalances. Targeted exercises enhance pelvic stability, reducing strain on surrounding areas. In turn, it helps promote proper alignment and provides lasting relief.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain can stem from muscle tension, inflammation, or underlying conditions. Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help relax and strengthen muscles. In turn, it can alleviate discomfort and promote overall pelvic well-being under professional guidance.

Calgary Pessary Clinic

Ensuring the proper care and fitting of the right pessary for each patient is crucial at MAUD Medical Clinic. Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists are trained to provide expert fitting and comprehensive pessary care for Calgary women. Our pelvic health physiotherapists are uniquely positioned to successfully address and manage pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence using pessaries and advanced techniques.

EMSELLA: The Ultimate Customized Pelvic Health Program

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Calgary

EMSELLA is a revolutionary treatment that aids in incontinence and sexual function. High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy (HIFEM) strengthens pelvic floor muscles, alleviating pelvic floor related issues like urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. By triggering deep contractions and enhancing muscle tone, EMSELLA promotes bladder control, supports pelvic organs, and improves sexual function. This non-invasive, FDA-approved solution transforms pelvic health by creating lasting results when combined with By MAUD retention therapy. Guided by our consultants at MAUD, our EMSELLA By Maud treatment is an effective form of pelvic floor therapy in Calgary for regaining comfort, confidence, and a higher quality of life. The program consists of Pelvic floor physiotherapy treatment, EMSELLA By Maud biofeedback along with nutrition and retention therapy.

Strengthens Pelvic Floor

Non-Invasive & Non-Surgical

Reduces Urinary Incontinence

Time-Efficient Treatment

Enhances Sexual Satisfaction

No Discomfort or Pain

Don’t Compromise Your Pelvic Health

Find Accessible Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Calgary At MAUD

No one should have to overlook their pelvic function because of cost. At MAUD, we can cover up to 100% of pelvic floor physiotherapy if the patient qualifies (disability card / AISH). If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our women’s health clinic in Calgary. 

Importance of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy:

Before & After Pregnancy

Physical activity is crucial for the well-being of both body and mind during pregnancy. Engaging in targeted physical activity during and after pregnancy brings substantial advantages, fostering overall health and wellness. However, pregnant people may lack guidance regarding pelvic physiotherapy in Calgary, unaware of its significance or where to begin. At MAUD Medical Clinic, we provide essential knowledge and treatment to help you effectively navigate movements with a changing body for a healthier journey.

During Pregnancy

  • Improved Overall Health: Regular physical activity during pregnancy can help manage weight gain, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and pregnancy-induced hypertension.

  • Enhanced Mood & Mental Well-Being: Exercise releases endorphins, which can help alleviate stress, reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, and improve overall mood during pregnancy.

  • Increased Energy Levels: Despite the natural fatigue that comes with pregnancy, staying physically active can actually boost energy levels, improve sleep quality, and combat feelings of sluggishness.

  • Better Muscle Strength & Endurance: Engaging in pregnancy-specific exercises can help strengthen core muscles, improve posture, and reduce pregnancy-related discomfort, such as back pain.

After Pregnancy

  • Quicker Recovery & Weight Loss: Regular postpartum exercise can aid in recovering muscle strength, toning the body, and assisting in post-pregnancy weight loss. It also helps restore abdominal muscle tone after pregnancy.

  • Improved Mental Well-Being: Physical activity releases endorphins, which can help combat postpartum mood disorders, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and promote a positive outlook.

  • Increased Energy & Stamina: As new parents face increased demands, maintaining a regular exercise routine can enhance energy levels, boost stamina, and improve overall productivity in daily tasks and childcare.

  • Stress Reduction & Relaxation: Exercise provides an outlet for stress relief, promoting relaxation and aiding in better sleep quality, which is often disrupted during the postpartum period.

  • Enhanced Bonding With The Baby: Engaging in postnatal yoga or baby-wearing workouts can foster bonding between the parent and baby while benefiting both their physical and mental well-being.

Frank: Your Convenient Guide to Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Created by Rachelle Bonneville, MAUD's Medical lead pelvic floor physiotherapist, Frank is an online resource for accessible pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary. With her strength training background and extensive experience in pelvic floor care for pregnant and postpartum individuals,  she made Frank for pelvic floor physio in Calgary from the comfort of one's home. Frank is a platform that provides short, educational videos and tailored workouts suitable for all stages, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable transition throughout pregnancy and postpartum. With Frank, it empowers individuals with knowledge and exercises to facilitate optimal pelvic health. 

Do You Want To Learn More About Pelvic Health?

Start Your Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Journey With MAUD

Elevate your well-being with the team at MAUD Medical Clinic for comprehensive pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary. We’re dedicated to being there for your pelvic health journey by addressing various pelvic-related concerns, from prenatal to postnatal care and enhancing sexual function.

We promise to provide innovative, evidence based treatments such as EMSELLA By MAUD, we have enabled many individuals to regain control of their bodies by improving their bladder and sexual function. With our commitment to ensuring accessibility, we offer Pessary fitting and cleaning as well as a device called URESTA (self applied pessary) that clients can buy off the shelf. EMSELLA retention therapy course enables you to learn and practice pelvic floor physiotherapy from home.

For comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach care that empowers, MAUD is your ultimate choice for transformative pelvic health, ensuring your vitality and comfort in every aspect of life.

What People Are Saying About
Our Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

FAQs About Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Calgary

  • During a session, a pelvic floor physiotherapist will thoroughly assess your specific concerns and develop a tailored treatment plan. This may involve internal or external muscle assessments, education on anatomy and proper muscle activation, manual therapy techniques, and exercises to strengthen or relax the pelvic floor muscles.

  • Pelvic floor physiotherapy should not be painful. The treatment is usually gentle and tailored to your comfort level. Some individuals may experience mild discomfort or pressure during internal assessments or certain manual techniques, but it is important to communicate with your physiotherapist about any discomfort, and they can adjust the treatment accordingly.

  • In many cases, a referral from a doctor is not required to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist. However, checking with your healthcare provider or insurance plan to confirm the requirements for accessing pelvic floor physiotherapy services is recommended.

  • Opting for a pessary can be a preferable choice for Calgary women seeking a non-invasive alternative to surgery to address symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse and/or urinary incontinence. Surgery may not be feasible for some women due to health considerations or personal preferences.

    For those awaiting surgery, a pessary serves as a viable interim solution, especially considering the potential wait time in Calgary for a surgical consultation and a surgery date can extend over a year. Additionally, the use of a pessary provides valuable insights to the medical team about potential implications following the lifting and support of pelvic organs.

    The unmasking of incontinence, as outlined above, occurs when a pessary lifts a prolapse, revealing a lack of support for the urethra, leading to urine leakage. This insight, obtained through fitting various pessary styles, helps identify co-existing structural issues and aids the medical team in determining the most appropriate course of action.

  • We have two options available to those who want to explore pessary for incontinence in Calgary.
    1. Start by purchasing a Uresta in store. Uresta is a self applicator pessary that does not require a physiotherapist to fit.
    2. Book in to see a MAUD Physiotherapist to be fitted for a pessary. At that time, a check in from MAUD Physician may be required prior to pessary insertion. If that is the case, doctor visits are covered by Alberta Health Care Plan.