Prenatal Acupuncture

You 100% can and should get acupuncture throughout your pregnancy!

Acupuncture can treat a lot of pregnancy related ailments such as morning sickness, heartburn, low back/hip/rib/pelvic pain, headaches and insomnia. Acupuncture treatment in the last month of pregnancy for birth preparation can also have a positive effect on labour outcomes.

That being said, there are some do's and don'ts of pregnancy acupuncture so just make sure when choosing your acupuncturist, you choose someone who has a specialization in reproductive health and perinatal care. MAUD’s acupuncturist Madison Downton is part of the ABORM Fellowship and specializes in women’s reproductive health, fertility, and pregnancy acupuncture.

How You can Benefit from Acupuncture During Your Pregnancy

  • Reduces severity of morning sickness and/or headaches during the first trimester

  • Can improve sleep quality

  • Addresses pregnancy–related pain such as low back pain, hip pain, and pubic symphysis pain

  • Can help reduce heartburn

  • Can help prepare for labour by encouraging cervical softening/ripening, regulating oxytocin and uterine cramping

  • Increased likelihood of spontaneous labour around due date, meaning reduced likelihood of induction

  • Reduced risk of medical intervention (C-section, forceps, epidural, etc.)

  • Faster, easier birth (on average, 1.5 hours shorter)


Acupuncture & IVF Success


Pelvic Floor Muscles