What At-Home Pelvic Exercises Help Pregnant People?

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it significantly changes your body, particularly your pelvic floor. These changes can lead to discomfort, incontinence, and pelvic pain. The good news is that you can maintain pelvic health and ease discomfort through targeted at-home exercises. Understand the importance of pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary during and after pregnancy, how it is beneficial, and step-by-step instructions for performing these exercises. 

Why Are Pelvic Floor Exercises Important During Pregnancy?

  1. Support During Pregnancy: Your pelvic floor is essential to increasing weight as your baby grows. Strengthening it can help alleviate back pain and discomfort.

  2. Prevention of Incontinence: Pregnancy hormones and the pressure on your pelvic floor can lead to urinary incontinence. Pelvic exercises can mitigate this issue.

  3. Preparation for Labour: A strong pelvic floor can facilitate smoother labour and delivery by improving muscle control and relaxation.

Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Calgary During Pregnancy

  1. Improved Muscle Tone: These exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, increasing their ability to support your growing baby.

  2. Enhanced Circulation: Pelvic exercises promote better blood flow to the pelvic region, which can reduce swelling and discomfort.

  3. Reduced Incontinence: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles helps prevent or alleviate urinary incontinence, a common issue during pregnancy.

  4. Better Posture and Stability: A strong pelvic floor can help you maintain good posture, reducing back pain.

  5. Preparation for Labour: Strengthened pelvic muscles can enhance your ability to control and relax these muscles during labour.

At-Home Pelvic Exercises During Pregnancy

What can you do to help your pelvic health during pregnancy? Check these effective exercises during pregnancy used in pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary. 

Kegel Exercises

  • How: Squeeze and lift your pelvic floor muscles as if you're stopping the urine flow. Hold for a few seconds, then release.

  • Repetitions: Start with ten repetitions, gradually increasing to 20.

  • Frequency: Perform Kegels 3-4 times a day.

Deep Squats

  • How: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower yourself into a squatting position, keeping your back straight. Hold for a few seconds, then return to the standing position.

  • Repetitions: Start with 5-10 repetitions.

  • Frequency: Perform deep squats 2-3 times a day.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Calgary: Exercises After Pregnancy

Now that you've given birth to your child, you will want to be proactive with keeping your pelvic floor strong. Check out how you can do so here:

Bridge Exercises

  • How: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for a few seconds, then lower your hips.

  • Repetitions: Start with 5-10 repetitions.

  • Frequency: Perform bridge exercises 2-3 times a day.

Pelvic Tilts

  • How: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Flatten your lower back against the floor by tilting your pelvis upward. Hold for a few seconds, then release.

  • Repetitions: Start with 5-10 repetitions.

  • Frequency: Perform pelvic tilts 2-3 times a day.

Importance of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Calgary & Pregnancy

Prioritizing your pelvic health during pregnancy is essential for comfort and overall well-being. Incorporating these at-home pelvic exercises into your daily routine can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, reduce discomfort, and prepare your body for labour. Remember that seeking professional guidance at a Calgary women's health centre can provide tailored solutions and expert support throughout pregnancy for proper pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary.

MAUD Medical Clinic is the leading women's health clinic in Calgary. Accessible & inclusive, our Calgary Women's health centre ensures everyone feels comfortable at our vaginal health clinic. Specializing in pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary, we offer Emsella pelvic floor treatment for pelvic physiotherapy in Calgary. For incontinence treatment, Esmella treatment is the best pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary. Our team's expertise in pelvic floor physiotherapy makes us the go-to clinic for urinary incontinence treatment. If you need a women's IUD clinic, we offer IUD insertion, removal, & birth control in Calgary. Call MAUD today to prioritize your well-being with care if you require an IUD clinic or pelvic physio in Calgary.



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