Top 5 Benefits of EMSELLA

EMSELLA in Calgary is a non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment that has gained popularity for its ability to address issues related to pelvic health and urinary incontinence, among other benefits. Check out what makes EMSELLA in Calgary so revolutionary with these five advantages and explore why it's becoming a preferred choice for many here. 


EMSELLA is a cutting-edge medical device that utilizes high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate pelvic floor muscles. By inducing thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions in a single session, EMSELLA strengthens and restores these crucial muscles.

How Does EMSELLA Work?

The EMSELLA chair generates electromagnetic pulses that cause muscle contractions in the pelvic floor area. These contractions improve muscle tone, restore neuromuscular control, and promote overall pelvic health - making it perfect for pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary

The Top 5 Benefits of EMSELLA in Calgary

Benefit #1: Effective Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

One of the primary advantages of EMSELLA is its remarkable efficacy in treating urinary incontinence. Whether you suffer from stress incontinence (leakage during activities like laughing, sneezing, or exercising) or urge incontinence (sudden and intense urges to urinate), EMSELLA offers a non-surgical solution.

By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, EMSELLA enhances your ability to control bladder function, reducing or eliminating leakage episodes. This benefit can significantly improve the quality of life for those with urinary incontinence.

Benefit #2: Non-Invasive & Painless Procedure

EMSELLA is entirely non-invasive and painless. Patients remain fully clothed during the treatment, which takes approximately 30 minutes per session at a women's health clinic in Calgary. There are no needles, anesthesia, or recovery time required. You can return to your daily activities immediately after each session, making it a convenient choice for busy individuals.

Benefit #3: Quick, Noticeable Results

One of the standout features of EMSELLA is the rapidity with which patients experience results. Most individuals report noticeable improvements after just a few sessions, with optimal results achieved over several weeks. That means you can regain control of your pelvic health and enjoy the benefits of EMSELLA relatively quickly.

Benefit #4: Enhanced Intimacy & Sexual Satisfaction

EMSELLA's impact extends beyond urinary incontinence. Many patients have reported enhanced intimacy and sexual satisfaction due to treatment. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can improve muscle tone and control, contributing to a more fulfilling and confident intimate life. 

Benefit #5: Address Multiple Pelvic Health Concerns

EMSELLA is versatile and can address various pelvic health issues, including pelvic pain and muscle weakness. It is particularly beneficial for women post-childbirth and men and women dealing with aging-related pelvic health challenges. EMSELLA offers comprehensive solutions for those seeking pelvic health improvement by targeting multiple concerns in one treatment.

Who Can Benefit from EMSELLA in Calgary?

Women & Men of All Ages

EMSELLA's versatility makes it suitable for women and men of all ages. The HIFEM technology in EMSELLA can help men with ejaculation. Whether you are a young woman looking to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles after childbirth or an older adult seeking relief from urinary incontinence and pelvic pain, EMSELLA can be customized to address your needs.

Postpartum Recovery

EMSELLA is particularly beneficial for women in the postpartum phase. It helps restore pelvic muscle tone and strength after childbirth, aiding recovery and addressing common postpartum pelvic health issues.

Aging Adults

As we age, pelvic health can deteriorate, leading to urinary incontinence and other issues. EMSELLA offers a proactive approach to maintaining pelvic health and improving overall well-being among aging adults.

See What EMSELLA in Calgary Can Do For You 

EMSELLA has emerged as a game-changer in pelvic health and urinary incontinence treatment, offering a range of benefits. If you're seeking a solution to urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, or other pelvic or sexual health issues, EMSELLA may be the answer you've been looking for. Consult a qualified healthcare provider at a women's health clinic in Calgary to determine if EMSELLA is the right option for you and take a significant step towards enhancing your pelvic health and overall quality of life.

MAUD Medical Clinic is the leading women's health clinic in Calgary. Accessible & inclusive, our Calgary Women's health centre ensures everyone feels comfortable at our vaginal health clinic. Specializing in pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary, we offer Emsella pelvic floor treatment for pelvic physiotherapy in Calgary. For incontinence treatment, Esmella treatment is the best pelvic floor physiotherapy in Calgary. Our team's expertise in pelvic floor physiotherapy makes us the go-to clinic for urinary incontinence treatment. If you need a women's IUD clinic, we offer IUD insertion, removal, & birth control in Calgary. Call MAUD today to prioritize your well-being with care if you require an IUD clinic or pelvic physio in Calgary.


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